
2019, a year of challenge.

Just like Monday marks the beginning of a new week, I believe new years open the door to a new life, for those who are ready to take it!

It is that time of the year again. I just came back from Berlin a few days ago and I finally found the time to think about my resolutions for the new year. I know it's controversial but I like the idea of New Year's Resolutions. Just like Monday marks the beginning of a new week, I believe new years open the door to a new life, for those who are ready to take it!

But, before telling you what I plan to achieve in 2019, I want to thank 2018 the right way.

Bye 2018, thank you for everything

Seems like just yesterday I was stating my resolutions and explaining why I wanted to 'simplify my life in 2018'. Yet, the time has come to wrap up the year and get ready for a new and particularly exciting year.

Did I really simplify my life?

I believe I did. Well, I'm not a monk living in a faraway monastery with only water and bread to feed (not yet anyway), but yes I did simplify my life this year!

A great deal of this change came after I read "The Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Condo. The KonMari Method (which I will talk about more on the blog later) helped me get rid of the physical clutter in my life. Books, clothes, but also cables, shoes, accessories: after giving or throwing away most of them, I can finally breathe and stop being overwhelmed.

But this is not all. I also worked a lot to change and simplify the way I make decisions, the way I think, and the way I interact with people. I stopped giving time to toxic and opportunist "friends" to actually build beautiful and hopefully deep friendships I can be proud of.

A picture of me in Berlin.A picture of me in Berlin.

There is no point arguing: 2018 was the best of my life, so far.

A year of experiences

2018 was a lot of "firsts", in failure as much as in success. It made me learn a lot about myself and discover what I want to value in the future. It's hard to sum up a whole year in a few words though, so here is what I am most proud to have achieved this year:

  • Being accepted in the school of my dreams for September 2019,
  • Building amazing relationships both on the Internet and in real life (I'm sure you'll all recognize yourself),
  • Becoming more decisive and less pragmatic/apprehensive,
  • Finding love and understanding what it means,
  • Stopped being afraid of making mistakes and just ... going for it,
  • Reading more than 34 books (my Goodreads goal was 30) including classics, self-help, science and fiction books,
  • Writing my Personal Mission Statement (will write about that soon),
  • Cutting my hair,
  • Launching a new version of the blog, and a Newsletter (subscribe here),
  • Traveling around the World (Martinique and Berlin),
  • And so many other things!
Travelling around the worldTravelling around the world

Travel, discoveries and experiences? 2018 was the best year of my life, so far.
Paris, December 2018.

2019, a year of challenge

Learning, more and more

I want to dedicate my life to learning. All-day, every day. And it means building my life around that idea. By reading more than 50 books, learning computer sciences, prioritizing new experiences over routine, and many other things, I want to get out of my comfort zone as often as I can.

I will sleep this year with my head full of dreams, staying confident that, no matter how hard or how long it is, I will get there eventually.

Creating, again and again

Whether by writing, speaking, coding, shooting pictures, or videos, I live to share and to create from what I learn. This year, I want to create, day after day, new content from which both you and I can learn. More than quality or quantity, this time, I will bet on consistency and deliver original content every day/week/month, on the blog, and in the newsletter.

Be me

Finally, and this might just be the most difficult resolution to achieve: this year I want to learn how to be myself. Learn how to say no to what I don't like in order to say bigger YESS's to what I do like and want to give time to. Even if it's only a few hours from time to time, I want to break through the noise of social media, work, and the overall craziness of life to spend time at peace, with myself.

Be myself looking forward.Be myself looking forward.

"No matter how hard or how long it is, I will get there eventually."
Paris, July 2018

I want to make 2019 a year of a challenge when I will finally make some progress on the path toward my dreams. Will you come with me?

Let's chat

Now, what about you? I'm curious to know what you plan to achieve in 2019! If you are looking for some motivation to stick with your new year's resolutions, let's chat!

Last updated: 3 years ago

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